Trainings & Seminars
1. Rare Earth Processing
2. Chemical Engineering for Non Engineer
3. Modelling & Simulation of Mineral Processing
4. Mining & Mineral Processing for Beginner
List of Training Offered

Kursus Asas Berkaitan Nadir Bumi : Modules
Module 1 : Fundamental of Rare Earth Elements & Global Scenario
Module 2 : Geotechical & Mineralogy of REE Mining
Module 3 : REE Extraction
Module 4 : Characterization of Rare Earth Materials
Module 5 : Application of Rare Earth Materials
Module 6 : Potential of Environmental Impacts of Rare Earth Resources Industry
Module 2 : Geotechical & Mineralogy of REE Mining
Module 3 : REE Extraction
Module 4 : Characterization of Rare Earth Materials
Module 5 : Application of Rare Earth Materials
Module 6 : Potential of Environmental Impacts of Rare Earth Resources Industry
Practical Session
Kursus Asas Berkaitan Nadir Bumi : Practical Session
Session 1 : Laboratory Work - Introduction to Chemical Extraction Laboratory (hands-on)
Session 2 : Analytical Laboratory Visit - Elemental Analysis Equipment and Sample Analysis
Session 2 : Analytical Laboratory Visit - Elemental Analysis Equipment and Sample Analysis
List of Conferences

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